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Doctor of Optometry



EyeOpening to the new and innovative research in the field - highlighting the importance of evidence based practise.

EyeOpening to vision impairment and its consequences - perspective from practitioner and patient


The Doctor of Optometry Student Conference (ODSC) is an annual event run by students for students.

Experts from different fields are invited to provide an insight to the profession in the past, present and future.


“I love the winning, I can take the losing, but most of all I Love to play.” - Boris Becker

There are amazing prizes to be won! So watch this page to meet with our sponsors too!




Head of department

ALLISON McKendrick

Dear Colleagues,

It is time for ODSC 2019!

The ODSC 2019 convenors have been working hard all year to construct an exciting two days of educational content and social activities. 

The ODSC student-led initiative designed to appeal to the whole OD cohort, as well as staff, industry sponsors, and other stakeholders.

I would like to thank the organising committee, and all the students behind-the-scenes, who have worked hard to bring this conference to life.


I hope you enjoy ODSC 2019 and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

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